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It’s the Year of the Horse, which falls on Jan. 31 on the lunar calendar. A lucky year, according to the Chinese. The Year of the Horse kicks out the Year of the Snake — not a good year considering all the turmoil, conflicts and tragedies in the world.

As the Chinese say, “A good horse never turns its head to eat the grass behind.” So, look ahead, not back.
If you’re an entrepreneur or small-business owner, it’s time to sit tall in the saddle, harness your energy, and rein in your fears.
Get ready to make great strides in the year of the horse. It should be a very good year for entrepreneurs.
In the Asian calendar, each year is associated with one of 12 animals. In the Year of the Horse, look for fast change and powerful energy. Horse years are generally believed to bring good fortune and luck.

We could all use some of that!